Sunday, January 22, 2012

Germany week 22—Snow delay and enough basketball to last a lifetime

Germany week 22—Snow delay and enough basketball to last a lifetime
Dear all:
On Thursday of this week we had a 2 hour delay for starting school and work because of icy road conditions.  They called everyone and amazingly enough everyone came in exactly 2 hours late, buses, workers everyone.  An amazing feat!!! It was nice coming into work late, but it didn’t matter I still had to stay late for practice.  I have posted some pictures of the snow around our house.  We had actually planned on making a snow man today and sliding down the hill beside our house but it rained all night and washed away the 3 inches of snow that had built up, but  I am sure that I will have another chance later on.
Did not get a chance to go anywhere this weekend as I am cheerleader assistant coach and we had games at school all weekend. 8 games Friday night and all day Saturday--Thirteen hours in all.  Then we came home and watched the FSU-Duke game—YEA!!!  FSU—It was impressive that the FSU game was chosen to air-- AFN only chooses the best TV, but it was a lot of basketball all at one time.
 Seems that these schools have to travel so far that they just put them all in a weekend.  Friday there was quite a delay as the bus couldn’t traverse a large hill.  That is one thing with driving in snowy conditions you have to pay attention to hills.  You don’t want to get stuck in the middle not able to get up it or going out of control on the way down and falling in a ditch.
One more observation about the Germans.  They take their snow clearing seriously.  People of all ages sweep sidewalks and walkways clear and roads are cleared almost immediately.  They have it down to a science.  I have added pictures of our house snow covered and the roads cleared.  Enjoy.
I discovered one more kind of snow.  Dipping dots snow.  It looks like dipping dots.  Like Styrofoam balls landing on your lawn.
Anyway we are off for the movies at the base.  Have a great week.
Hugs from Germany.

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