Monday, January 16, 2012

Germany week 21 Luxembourg, Patton’s grave, Ramstein, and different kinds of snow

Germany week 21 Luxembourg, Patton’s grave, Ramstein, and different kinds of snow

Dear all:
This week we had some more snow.  I’ve noticed something about snow.  There are different kinds.  There is the mini snow which I have seen a few times in Florida.  There is the small to medium kind of snow-I’ve seen this in Reno and Vermont.  There is the snow whip- that is the snow that beats you up as it comes down.  More commonly known as the snow storm.  I’ve seen it a couple of times too—not in Florida but other places.  But here in Germany is the first time I have seen fat snow.  This snow looks like it needs some time with Jenny Craig.  It is lovely and floaty and what all of the paper snowflakes that I made as a child have been patterned after.  I have to admit out of all of the snow—fat snow is my favorite.  One more picture below.(#1)
The latter part of the week we were disappointed as the military trip to Luxembourg was cancelled.  Not to be discouraged we decided to try to get a last minute reservation at Ramstein (#2 Gregg at golf course) and yea!!! we were successful.  We thought it was about time that baby car got to go on the autobahn for an extended period of time.  Baby car did great and by the way got 45 miles to the gallon.  Gotta love me some baby car!
On the way we found the rest stops. They are labeled as P for just parking and P WC for Parking and water closet which is Europe's fancy way of labeling a bathroom.  Anyway at one of the water closets Gregg went in and found two bullet holes shot through the door from the inside.  Guess that guy really had to go.  lol
We shopped the mall in Ramstein and I found the cuckoo clocks I’ve been looking for and also the German part of my Christmas town.  We went to the Macaroni Grill because we could get the free refills on the sweet tea something I really miss.
Then on to Luxembourg. I thought there would be a border check. We had our passports ready and everything but alas there was just a sign much like the signs announcing your entrance into the next state in the U.S.
 Of course the Garmin took us once again on an obsolete road that was under construction with a large ravine to one side.  It was so steep the some of the barricades had been hit and were in the road but the road was so narrow that I had to get out and move them before we could continue.  We decided that we would just keep going until we ran out of road but the Garmin got us there.  We asked the caretaker at the Cemetery for an easier way out which he kindly told us.  The American Cemetery in Luxembourg is an ominous site and Patton’s grave although not elaborate was a highlight of the venture.  Very moving with a wonderful chapel area. My Dad served under Patton so this was one of the places he wanted us to visit.  I will let the pictures tell the story below. #3-#8
Next we took a sightseeing tour of Luxembourg.  It is a very small country but had lots of public parking and one way streets and yes our trip would not have been complete without one trek the wrong way on the one way street, but we survived and went on to see the buildings and the tour said that there were 480K people in Luxembourg and that they took the best of Europe.  They had a lot of French cuisine and a large financial district which also included their version of the twin towers.  If you get on a bus tour in Luxembourg don’t worry about being late since the bus driver will just run red lights to keep his schedule.  Lol  See pictures below. #9-#13 The last two pictures are of the Rhine and a nuclear power plant on our trip home.  #14-15
An example of one drawback of living so far from home happened this weekend as we were traveling.  Dad fell and hurt his hip.  Fortunately nothing was broken and we are hoping for a speedy recovery.  But it does make you feel a little helpless to help.  Get well soon, Dad!!! And with that, I will close until next week.
For now, hugs from Germany.

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