Dear all:
Well we are close to two weeks left and counting. Had such a great time teaching and travelling all around Europe but I have to admit I am glad to be coming home. Family - it's what it's all about :)
For this weekend we took the train station ladies suggestion and visited Bamberg, Germany. It was a short train ride and she called it Little Venice and as you look at the pictures below you can see why. Lots of canals and houses built right up to them. We walked all over and took in the sights.
We found a bridge that people had put locks on and threw the keys in the river so we decided to do that. We put our name on the lock and the date and locked it to the bridge and then we each threw in our key. The guy who sold us the lock said there were three keys one for each of us to throw in and one to keep. Kind of romantic that we have this lock on a bridge in Europe. See pictures below.
And Yes we finally made it to Regensburg to visit. We had gone through there umpteen hundred times on the train going to other places and even went there a few times to the mall at the train station but we decided to actually visit the town and it was fabulous.
On the way there we actually saw someone thrown off the train for lack of a ticket. It was a first for us and the guy really argued. Of course it was all in German but I got the jist of it. Arguments are the same in all languages. LOL
We saw the church with spires that are 300 feet high --you can see the scale with the picture with the people in front of it and the stone bridge which is almost a thousand years old in Regensberg and I got to shop for a few odds and ends that I had been wanting to get.
At school our Year books came in. It will be nice to have a memory of all of the people that I have met this year.
We are busy trying to get all of our last minute organizational stuff together to leave. There is as much transitioning leaving as there was coming but we will get it all done.
With that, I will close.
Hugs from Germany,
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