Hello All,
Well since I reported last a lot has happened. First and foremost Gregg got in Wednesday. YEA!!!
The first of the week I spent trying to hook up with the soldier who sold me the car he was supposed to get me a spare tire for my baby car as one of his friends had blown his tire out just before he sold it and he was going to replace it. I decided to go ahead and take the car so I could drive and he was going to replace it later. But I couldn’t ever hook up with him so he is bringing the tire by Monday. Then I will feel comfortable driving on the autobahn, just a little nervous driving on it without that spare.
Before Gregg got here I went to the legal office and got some power of attorney papers so Gregg could sign some stuff. That took forever as they would only give me one power of attorney for each thing but anyway I did get that. It seems since I’m the one they hired I have to okay everything.When Gregg came in, we spent half the day getting him his ID and I tried to show him around. It was weird that I had been here a month and he had been here about two hours and he found a slot machine room. LOL But I got the last laugh as we both played five dollars and I hit one for 80 bucks and he lost his five. But it was fun. He also found golfers all over this place and had people ordering him his special powerade from the commissary. He really knows how to enter a place. HA HA
Thursday he went with a friend’s husband to our house and he did the walk through. He didn’t drive though so when he picked me up at school we were supposed to go back but we drove around for about 40 minutes and it started to get dark and we came back. So we couldn’t find a house, we could rent the house—we just couldn’t find the house. We all had a great laugh about that on skype. Anyway he went to work with me on Friday and the Principal drew him a map to show him how to get there. So he went on two runs out there and now he knows where it is- which is good because he had to show me. We decided we probably needed a Garmin so we purchased one at the PX. I think it will be a big help.
We have already gotten most of our stuff in the house. I am going to post on my facebook a couple videos of the tour of the house but there are some pictures at the bottom of this blog. I like the house and we took a walk around the neighborhood on Saturday and everyone said hello. Gregg found a golf course 5 minutes from our house so he is in hog heaven. It is such a small town I’m sure they all know we are the Americans moving in. But I’m excited to have our own place. We already bought a grill and plan to cook out.
We went to a big bazaar this Saturday and I bought some ornaments and woodwork and steins. I also bought another dirndl. I had Gregg take a picture of me so you could see what a dirndl was. They have some beautiful wood work and rugs in Germany.
It’s been great having Gregg here. I have driven off base quite a bit now –our house is about 15 minutes away from work so we will have that beautiful drive every day. Gregg is going to concentrate on his driving test this week (he is only able to drive for 30 days with his state license) and I will be setting up the house as we are without internet until the end of the week.
We have a phone and internet coming then. Below pictures are of the house and the town and me.
Until next week,
Hugs from Germany,